Oh thanks be to whoever in wisdom put pause in these darkest days of the year (in the north anyway.) Hopefully you've had time to note the things that went well this year and where you might want to put some attention for 2013. While you're with dear family and friends, take some time to share what's most important to you. Celebrate the wins with them, and share what your dreams are for the year ahead. It is the most intimate thing you can do -- to share so vitally of your self. Wins inspire others. Dreams tickle the imagination of those around you. It's quite possible others share your dream and can support or just run alongside as they accomplish the same dreams with you. If you can find some quiet time alone, go inside. Find the longings and the hurt places and give them space and time to reveal to you some next right actions. Grieving is an action--that might be right today. A career is a direction. Holidays are a time to look thoughtfully at the map. We p...
Karl B Stewart shares his journey towards a fulfilling career, including job hunt thoughts, career coaching, group coaching and pursuing the work of his dreams.