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Showing posts from July, 2006

If language were liquid...

There's a strange sound coming from my window, like someone's recording into a microphone. Must be Queens, New York. So the lady came down in her price and it looks like $125K. Crazy world. I could write a pamphlet for new potential homeowners. It's such a long process, not really grueling but emotionally taxing and everyone who's buying should have a sherpa. Tip 1: have an appraisal, or some hard core research done BEFORE you bid on the place. I'm listless, part heat, part my job changing, part the pressure on my brain from this arduous home purchasing process waxing and waning, part I don't know what to think about this budding relationship and I'm flying to San Francisco to be with him for a weekend in his apartment, part I'm turning 37, part how do I help my roommate deal with not having a lease and some finance stuff, and insects, part medical stuff I'm dealing with, and part realizing that I live in a first world country, I'm not in the mid...


It easier to watch porn and eat chocolate

But it's so sad. Ultimately what I really want is to have healthy connected relationships, take good care of myself, like get 8 hours of sleep, eat healthy and manage my emotions well. Is it so boring to contemplate living a normal drama-free life and not feel like I'm subsumed what it means to be a cool ultra-hip metro out gay man? This is the beginning of becoming adult. The coop might fall through. I might have to start looking for a new place in Jamaica Estates closer to the F train. Taking a bus was way too much drama. I am falling in love with Tom.