Monday is my favorite day. I declare it so: and so it is. And it's funny how once you make up your mind about something: the idea sticks. I guess that's what feeds some of our negative projections on people places and things. So I'm turning that ability of our minds to good use. I enjoyed today. So what also helped was a good weekend. I really enjoyed my time AWAY so I could show up with energy and joy today. And I chose to let nothing bring me down: even my errors or people pointing them out: I just CHOSE to have a good day. And so it was. I confess, it was hard work. There were LOTS of opportunities to beat myself up and think that a gaffe would go down in the history books branding me forever incompetent, or worse, fundamentally "slow." However, I brushed those crazy thoughts off and sent them The wonder of the world in the whirly-gig of time is that tomorrow is another day! Laugh well...(and have you noticed how many packages and t...
Karl B Stewart shares his journey towards a fulfilling career, including job hunt thoughts, career coaching, group coaching and pursuing the work of his dreams.