Some weeks are just challenging emotionally, psychologically and in the amount of things to do. Self-care becomes critical at those times: sleep, nutrition, connection with loved ones, especially my mentors, and exercise. I've paid some extra attention to those areas and it really helps me to stay grounded. I also am challenged to look deeper at what value I put on these areas outside the realm of emergency need. There is a lot of talk of death around me--and it makes me value my life so much more. I value that I woke up, that my body works well, that I have the emotional and psychological wherewithal to move forward into the day with energy and excitement, that I have a nice home, a wonderful partner (new as this is), and work that I love to do. I'm glad I look forward to a couple more decades to save towards a time when I can do service, slow down the work pace and enjoy an even greater quality of life in my 60s. So instead of griping about what I have less of, I'm ...
Karl B Stewart shares his journey towards a fulfilling career, including job hunt thoughts, career coaching, group coaching and pursuing the work of his dreams.