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Showing posts from October, 2012

Rugged Individualism vs Discernment

There is a whole generation that believes (I'm wildly generalizing here) that we must pull ourselves up by our own individual power. While there are many things that we must do for ourselves, there's more power in working together. The challenge is to figure out with whom to align. Look back at your goals, and also note your natural rhythms. Many folks align themselves with the popular, the A-list, the powerful. While interesting, you might soon find yourself suffering from internal conflict, confused as to why you feel as if you're swimming against the current and working twice as hard to get the most basic things done. Salmon swim better with other salmon, birds flying together ease the wind draft, rotating the lead giving everyone else some lift, even in a bicycle race, those behind get the draft advantage. So flock together. Just choose your tribe. Choose people with whom there's little effort to connect. Forcing connections will leave you exhausted. Find fo...