At times, I'm in a hallway. I've closed a door behind me, I'm setting off in a new direction, and I feel a bit lost. This is a perfect time to ask about what I've left. What did I learn? What did I bring to the table that I'd love to discard once and for all? What was good about that past room experience? Can I carry that forward?
Kindness, transparency, good communication, a sense of myself as an adult dealing with adult situations. These are assets to treasure. I took the best care of myself I knew how. I was confidential, almost to a fault. Maybe I can even be more open about who I am and what's important to me. Ask for what I want--for sure. Ask for help. Yes, lots more of that. And working more collaboratively. I can certainly stop trying to lift the world on my own. Nobody is asking for that. The demands are great, and constant, but I believe people want to help. So there's that.
I learned that life is hard. It is. There's no way around it. And I learned that I have a tendency to try too much, and get bogged down. A clean, organized desk at ALL times, every day. That is key.
So onward. Let's see what the new day brings.
Live and Work Well.
I hate making mistakes. I love my luxurious fantasy of perfection. And today my humanity, my imperfection shone through fiery. I hung in there and cleaned it up. I've learned, you just tell people you screwed up. Say how you're going to fix it immediately, and how you're protecting it from happening going forward. It matters little whether anybody else had anything to do with it. Throw no one under the bus, however, you may want to bring them in on the effect the error had and get their buy in for the proactive solution for future transactions. Truth is, things move so fast that especially with transactional work, there are bound to be errors now and then. The time it takes to be perfect would result in paralysis. It's that magical balance between getting it done (and maybe having to beg forgiveness) and taking so long to deliver that by the time you do deliver, it's too late to be of any use (especially since you've now teed off ...