At almost 50, I wanted to have achieved it all without any real clarity about what that would even mean. This last attempt to lead HR for an organization was valiant. I want to believe I did some good and changed the atmosphere for the work of the humans. I believe I was a resource. That managers shifted in their thinking about leading others, and front line folks, including those who reported to me, gained self esteem, autonomy and learned about their strengths through my capable management, leadership and mirroring. And I want to believe I took much better care of myself at work, than I ever have before at any other position on my resume. And, I firmly believe, evaluations of others notwithstanding, that I have a solid, sustainable, philosophically, spiritually and practical Human Resources practice model, now tried and true in a couple places, iteratively tweaked, that works in 2019 for especially millennials -- front line and management/leadership. So...there's that. So why th...
Karl B Stewart shares his journey towards a fulfilling career, including job hunt thoughts, career coaching, group coaching and pursuing the work of his dreams.