One of the most important things in life is family. It is the foundation of a powerful career.
So I prescribe that you spend some quality time with your family during the Bermuda Triangle of Thanksgiving Dec 25 time and New Year's. It seems to me that several cultures have major holidays during this Northern spell of shorter and colder days. It's a time for reflection on the year past, an evaluation of the past harvest --- a taking inventory and conversation with key stakeholders about our performance.
The most important performance evaluation is "who am I in the world and what was my impact on others?" "Am I going in the direction aligned with the very best of me and am I interacting in a way with others that brings out the very best in them?"
Then, from that foundation, review the work objectives and accomplishments. And gauge what the way ahead is given what family needs. Without family, a career is build on a shaky foundation.
Now, especially for gay, Black and many other folks, family may be defined in non-traditional ways. So make sure your "family" are the people who support you for who you are at your core --- with the same values, and who have "your back" always, as best humans can.
Live well.