I spent some time watching the It Gets Better videos last night. Moving stuff. My favorite is the singing from the Chicago Gay Men's Chorus. It's wild how song works.
The world needs all our talents. I'm good at storytelling. I'm good at helping humans align their being with their doing. To get really good at what I do, I constantly have to get better at aligning my own being with my doing. It's hard work. I think our careers help us focus on our deepest wounding as human beings, and as we get better, we develop power in that very area where we're broken. We get stronger than most other humans around that and we can GIVE that strength to others to help them along on the human journey.
And that's our career.
I think firemen saw some hopeless stuff growing up and are COMPELLED to run into burning buildings to do the impossible task of saving someone from fire. Nurses run TO broken bones and tend to them. I run to broken souls: I see someone struggling with the meaning of their work in the world and it pains me so much that I must help.
The conversation about broken gay teens breaks my heart. I know there's no way I can wrap them all in my hug and heal them. However, each day at work, I can tend to a broken soul and give hope. It's what I can do. So maybe that person will be less inclined to harm the others or herself down the line. It gets better and I can help.
The world needs all our talents. I'm good at storytelling. I'm good at helping humans align their being with their doing. To get really good at what I do, I constantly have to get better at aligning my own being with my doing. It's hard work. I think our careers help us focus on our deepest wounding as human beings, and as we get better, we develop power in that very area where we're broken. We get stronger than most other humans around that and we can GIVE that strength to others to help them along on the human journey.
And that's our career.
I think firemen saw some hopeless stuff growing up and are COMPELLED to run into burning buildings to do the impossible task of saving someone from fire. Nurses run TO broken bones and tend to them. I run to broken souls: I see someone struggling with the meaning of their work in the world and it pains me so much that I must help.
The conversation about broken gay teens breaks my heart. I know there's no way I can wrap them all in my hug and heal them. However, each day at work, I can tend to a broken soul and give hope. It's what I can do. So maybe that person will be less inclined to harm the others or herself down the line. It gets better and I can help.