It's hard to find the line in the sand where you're stretching beyond the comfort zone into growth and development and when you're just in over your head.
It's been said in a triathlon (swim, then bike, then run) the swim is merely a warm up for the more challenging parts of the race. But when I'm a novice swimmer who takes 1.5 hours to do what others do in 40 minutes, is it still a warm up? or is it now the full course, the main meal, the entree needing no dessert?
Or when I fell and now need medical attention to a few wounds, do I give up and go to the medical tent or soldier on to the finish line and then pause?
It's tricky. It may depend on the situation, the day, other variables. How we decide what's pushing our limits and what's breaking us is hard. I guess the answer in this case was in my godson's eyes as he looked up at me proudly, held my hand and ran the last few yards to the finish line.
I gave him my finisher shirt. He seemed to think to himself: that's what we do--we finish. I just hope he also knows when to just stop.
It's been said in a triathlon (swim, then bike, then run) the swim is merely a warm up for the more challenging parts of the race. But when I'm a novice swimmer who takes 1.5 hours to do what others do in 40 minutes, is it still a warm up? or is it now the full course, the main meal, the entree needing no dessert?
Or when I fell and now need medical attention to a few wounds, do I give up and go to the medical tent or soldier on to the finish line and then pause?
It's tricky. It may depend on the situation, the day, other variables. How we decide what's pushing our limits and what's breaking us is hard. I guess the answer in this case was in my godson's eyes as he looked up at me proudly, held my hand and ran the last few yards to the finish line.
I gave him my finisher shirt. He seemed to think to himself: that's what we do--we finish. I just hope he also knows when to just stop.