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Life is Perfect

It is easy to get distracted by goals. It is easy to point the finger at the coal miners stuck, the sludge-filled river, the preacher accused of having sex with the most vulnerable in his care.

However, this glosses over the fact that life is good. In fact, life is perfect--filled with good things.

A perfect day: imagine how much it takes for a day to be perfect. Blue skies, great temperature for hiking or biking or lounging and looking out the window. A perfect day to ease someone's pain, to show up for a friend, to have a wedding.

A perfect life: a job, people who I love working with, things to do I love, healthy body mind soul, a dance and a light in my eyes, people in my life who I love: the cousin who's getting married and her amazing son, my godson.

I have bitched and moaned about so many hurtful things in my life. I was on the verge of suicide myself as a teen gay boy, wondering if all I was would be prey for older gay men, target of bullying and vengeful hate from all the straight people around me and fodder for jokes, taunts and the projection of all that society never wants to own. I was stuck in psychic toxic sludge absorbing messages that never came from God (all that is good) or from within.

As I bring light to my psyche, and stay close to those who love, I find that the world is safe, beautiful and wise. Never do life alone: the side effects of hurt can turn the mind into a spiral downward. Friendship, finding your own true tribe, love and healing can turn the darkest cloud to blue sky life.

I believe, because it happened to me.

Live well. It gets better.


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