There is a movement called Positive Psychology that I believe is crucial, especially when the odds of success of a venture are low. Believe in the success and the actions you take tend to be more successful. Believe you'll fail, or collect all the hard data that says you'll fail, and chances are: you fail.
Detractors suggest that we could be hit with cold water of reality no matter what we "believe."
I say hogwash.
Check out Sue Shellenbarger's article, "Keep Thinking Happy Thoughts," (link below) if you'd like for two reasons. One, I always thought of the WSJ as infalliable (even though they do have a 'corrections' section.) And for my own part, one of my lies is that I need to be perfect to be successful. That any failure on my part was attributable to some error I made.
Also hogwash.
Winners just stay in the game and believe they can win and in the cause or adventure they are on so fully that they put their all into it.
So, do you believe you deserve a career of your dreams?
Or do you believe "the man" is punishing you? Or that you're fundamentally flawed? Or that you're owed a fantastic job and so they better give it to you? Or that they've done you wrong?
What story are you wedded to and collecting data against?
Detractors suggest that we could be hit with cold water of reality no matter what we "believe."
I say hogwash.
Check out Sue Shellenbarger's article, "Keep Thinking Happy Thoughts," (link below) if you'd like for two reasons. One, I always thought of the WSJ as infalliable (even though they do have a 'corrections' section.) And for my own part, one of my lies is that I need to be perfect to be successful. That any failure on my part was attributable to some error I made.
Also hogwash.
Winners just stay in the game and believe they can win and in the cause or adventure they are on so fully that they put their all into it.
So, do you believe you deserve a career of your dreams?
Or do you believe "the man" is punishing you? Or that you're fundamentally flawed? Or that you're owed a fantastic job and so they better give it to you? Or that they've done you wrong?
What story are you wedded to and collecting data against?