Work well lives. now I'm tweeting at careercoachkarl and ready to revitalize this blog. Saw Julie & Julia...
I'm still grieving leaving MTV Networks. I guess I'll always question if it was the right thing to do on November 4, 2009. It's complete. I left.
And there is a vision of a position with a media company (or another company I love) where I get to onboard, career coach and train employees. I see highly effective employees loving what they do, using their best strengths. They have clarity about how what they're doing drives the success of their organization. Booya.
And here's the affirmation: the position exists and I'm finding it. I'll land in the role smoothly and successfully and bring home the salary that helps me live an abundant life.
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to launch Work Well Group #2. The prior group ended with one person having 3 jobs to choose from. And everyone else had greater clarity about their dream job, and had taken significant steps forward. One person agreed to keep working with me and that's going well too.
I went up to Colgate and led the career networking session on the Entertainment industry. It was really good: more confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. The students got a lot out of it and I refined some ideas.
And over the last couple months, I've been my own case study, working through all the steps myself. The next entries will explain the steps and my own experiences with them. AND, I'm working with my own career coach. That's a boon.
So there. Convergence or synergy. Twenty-ten is going to be's already good.
It would be amazing if I stay financially afloat, land a great gig, and help others do amazing things with their careers.
I'm still grieving leaving MTV Networks. I guess I'll always question if it was the right thing to do on November 4, 2009. It's complete. I left.
And there is a vision of a position with a media company (or another company I love) where I get to onboard, career coach and train employees. I see highly effective employees loving what they do, using their best strengths. They have clarity about how what they're doing drives the success of their organization. Booya.
And here's the affirmation: the position exists and I'm finding it. I'll land in the role smoothly and successfully and bring home the salary that helps me live an abundant life.
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to launch Work Well Group #2. The prior group ended with one person having 3 jobs to choose from. And everyone else had greater clarity about their dream job, and had taken significant steps forward. One person agreed to keep working with me and that's going well too.
I went up to Colgate and led the career networking session on the Entertainment industry. It was really good: more confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. The students got a lot out of it and I refined some ideas.
And over the last couple months, I've been my own case study, working through all the steps myself. The next entries will explain the steps and my own experiences with them. AND, I'm working with my own career coach. That's a boon.
So there. Convergence or synergy. Twenty-ten is going to be's already good.
It would be amazing if I stay financially afloat, land a great gig, and help others do amazing things with their careers.