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The First 100 Days: Week One

Entering an organization (a gathering of people focused on a goal), is a process.  Let's talk about that.

The existing organization has a way of doing things, of communicating, of being that the new person has to learn in order to enter successfully.  The first week is about being a total sponge, willing to empty what is known and clearly observe and take note of what is.

Many organizations seem from the outside to be one thing; once you're in it, its something else.  So it's important to have done research before interviews and once inside, it's important to compare notes.  How do people say hello in the elevator, make eye contact, what's the water cooler conversation about?  How is the building floor plan arranged?  What does that say about the organization?  Who has the corner offices with the best views?  What does that mean?  How do people dress?  What time do they come in?  What seems to be most important in terms of bottom line, end of year results?  Where does the bulk of revenue come from?  Which group is responsible for that?  How are the non-revenue generating departments referred to in conversation?  Where's the IT group, facilities, HR? 

Back at your desk, what is your group responsible for?  Are you in one location or scattered?  Why?  What does the location in the building of your group mean about it's importance in the organization?  Who are the successful people in your group and what have they been doing historically to get them there?  What's good visibility in this organization look like?

You may choose to ask these questions if appropriate and there's opportunity to do so in a gentle conversational way.  However, mostly, observe.  Listen carefully for bits of conversation.  Ask, then listen, listen particularly to what's not said, but that you feel.  Your initial observations are a foundation for your success, because being allows you to feel what others have been taking for granted.

Jot down ideas about what might be different or more effective. However, this is never the week to make suggestions.  It's death to say, "at my other company, we used to do..."  You have little credibility here until you get to know people.

Try to see if there's an event, lunch and learn, etc where you can go and see how people talk with each other (or stay silent).  Gatherings of employees at work or after work are great ways to get a read on the culture.  It's nice to get introduced to lots of people; sometimes sit back and watch more than you talk.  Try to avoid IMPRESSING people with your resume, and instead try to focus conversations on where people fit in the organization, what they do, and very important who they are: what's important to them beyond work: children, hobbies, volunteering, working out, etc.  Find common human concerns.  This will help you bond with others (and the organization.)  You might locate some people you went to school with, or some folks who worked at your previous organization, or who live in your neighborhood.  Plan a coffee break with one or two people outside your group to get a perspective on the organization.

With your supervisor, clearly outline what your job responsibilities are.  Get a sense of how your local group is organized AND a sense of how it fits into the global function in the company AND the bigger corporation.  What are the goals of your function within this company (IT's goals, if you're in IT, or Finance's goals for the rest of the year if you're in Finance.)  You want a sense of what the leader of your group is concerned about, and you want to see how what you're doing at the granular level contributes to solving the concerns of the leader of your function, and the organization as a whole.

Remember, at the end of the year, you will need to tell a good story about how you contributed to the success of the organization.  You'll want to have clarity with your supervisor about the expectations: what success looks like in your role.  And as human beings, it's motivating to know that it all ladders up to a bigger purpose: your function's purpose and the organization's.

This is a discovery week.  Ask questions, listen, take good notes and at the end of week one, sift through and see what makes sense and what other questions you have.

Work Well.


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