You know, over the last nine days of work at the new gig, I've made some mistakes. Some were simple ones such as copying only the L's through Z's and then making decisions that were wrong about numbers of people for a session.
Some were misread of the culture and how people say hello in the hallway.
And what I'm going to do is give myself a big hug and start over today. I get a clean slate.
I'm going to let go of the fact that I've started this job with ill health and am doing my best to balance self-care and acing my responsibilities and assimilating into the culture. And I'm letting go of the fact that this is a temporary assignment with a temp agency and as much as I might love it, they could let me go today. Let go.
Start over. Today is the first day. Greet everyone with care and compassion. Address each task to the best of my ability. Start clean, fresh. Today is a day when I can make a new impression.
Happy work day. And for those who are hunting, let go of the past interviews, what you did at your last job, and let go if you quit, of any thoughts that you did the wrong thing. Be in today.
Some were misread of the culture and how people say hello in the hallway.
And what I'm going to do is give myself a big hug and start over today. I get a clean slate.
I'm going to let go of the fact that I've started this job with ill health and am doing my best to balance self-care and acing my responsibilities and assimilating into the culture. And I'm letting go of the fact that this is a temporary assignment with a temp agency and as much as I might love it, they could let me go today. Let go.
Start over. Today is the first day. Greet everyone with care and compassion. Address each task to the best of my ability. Start clean, fresh. Today is a day when I can make a new impression.
Happy work day. And for those who are hunting, let go of the past interviews, what you did at your last job, and let go if you quit, of any thoughts that you did the wrong thing. Be in today.